MOXXOR® OMEGA-3 Happy Customers
MOXXOR® has supplied thousands of happy and satisfied customers for over 10 years for pain relief and for overall wellness. MOXXOR® OMEGA-3 natural ingredients are encapsulated in a very small capsule which contains NO excipients or fillers. We recommend you try MOXXOR® OMEGA-3 for yourself, and for your loved ones and your pets.
“It’s like MAGIC. But, it’s not! The stuff works. =)”
– Tamara Alaine Mitchell
“I had surgery on my knee a few years ago, and it would get inflamed, and I had to keep getting it aspirated, I was trying everything on the market, nothing was helping, so when I was working out someone was asking about my knee cause I had it wrapped in an ace bandage, I told him about my knee and he suggested I try these Moxxor, he gave me a few, and I took them and BAM in just a couple days my knee was perfect, I KID YOU NOT, and I noticed a whole change no more arthritic type stuff going on, knee is perfectly bendable, thanks Moxxor.”
– Danielle Federico
“When I started taking MOXXOR I noticed within a couple of weeks that I actually was having much less muscle soreness, and was able to recover much faster and to me that showed that instantly there was something different that I noticed just by changing and starting to take MOXXOR omega 3s.”
– Scott Graham
“There are so many uses for MOXXOR but our results are really astounding across the board. We’ve had fantastic results in the eight months that I’ve been using this, I’m very very impressed with it.”
– Matt Wheaton
“MOXXOR has worked so well on my dog Kodi that had dry skin and allergies. The good fat in MOXXOR’s greenlip mussel product really helped her inflammation and gave her such a beautiful coat.”
– Marci Perble
“Every day, we are overburdened with toxins from the environment, from the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, so we need antioxidants every single day to protect ourselves, our body, and we need those. This is the most powerful omega 3 and antioxidant in the world and I feel blessed to have it to be able to have it to take personally but also to recommend it to other people.”
– Rhonda Donahue
“Within 3 days of taking MOXXOR I’ve got up on the third morning and stood out of bed and said to my wife there’s something wrong with my knee and she said why I said because I don’t feel any pain, the pain that had kept me up for 18 months was gone. I became an immediate believer in MOXXOR.”
– Anthony Raissen
“When you look at purity, and when you look at advocacy, there is no comparison to MOXXOR.”
– Stephanie Nielsen
“There’s no product on the market that incorporates the omega 3 with the grapeseed extract antioxidant.”
– Susan Bray
“I continue to take the Moxxor as I find it is an excellent product that does exactly what it says it will do for me. In my case it has helped to deal with inflammation related to prostate cancer. I am here in Hungary pursuing a remedy for the cancer at the Kaqun baths. It is going very well. I recommend MOXXOR at every chance I get. I sometimes think that people just do not believe me when I tell them how good it is.”
– Tom Burpee
“Most people out there know what omega 3’s are so when you can provide them with what we feel like is the holy grail of omega 3’s they’re all over it.”
– Matt Wheaton
“I feel that MOXXOR has really improved my overall stamina, sense of well-being, and overall Health.”
– Susan Perrine
“Moxxor has helped my whole family with issues ranging from autism and ADHD to knee and neck Pain–amazing anti-inflammatory that’s natural and easy to take!”
– Julia Breitman
“I serve as a chaplain in the UT Army National Guard and my unit was deployed last year. While training in Ft Hood, TX to leave for Afghanistan I began to have serious lower back pain. I was away from home and my chiropractor and so I looked online for anything that would give me relief from this pain. I came across Moxxor and decided to try it. Within a few days of taking it my back pain was simply gone! I was amazed! I have gone off of Moxxor twice, as I went overseas and as I came home.
Both times the pain returned and so I know that Moxxor works and my relief was not just a fluke. I love being pain free! I have also noticed that I have significantly more energy in my daily routine. Moxxor rocks! My goal now is to share it with anyone who is struggling with pain. It worked for me and many others and I am sure it will work for you! If not, we have a money back guarantee. Try it! You have nothing to lose but your pain! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions at all.”
– Lance Webb
“There’s no other product out there that has the antioxidants so it’s so much superior and all those combined is really what creates the health experience.”
– Dr. Scott Graham
“MOXXOR is the only one out there that restores the body to homeostasis.”
– Tim Healey
“Sure does. If it was not for MOXXOR my wee Bichon would never have got over pancreatitis. The difference in her was amazing.”
– Eunice Hughes
“Guess what I got for my birthday from my chiropractor? He told me my back and joints are like those of a 25 year old. And my general body age and health is that of a 40 year old! And in great part it’s due to Moxxor. :)”
– Brian Edward Pickus
“My name is Michael Epstein, I am a Holistic Health Practitioner, Martial Arts Instructor and as well a Triathlete and a Marathon runner. Last year I had terrible Shin splint pain and it was stopping me from competing in my races. I work in a Physical Therapy Clinic and have access to all modalities to help me. Nothing worked, I was taking Advil 3 times a day to relieve the pain and it hardly did anything. When I found Moxxor, The Omega-3 and Antioxidant, at first I was sure that it would not do anything
for my shin splints. In six days after taking the Moxxor, I realized that the anti-inflammatory in Moxxor took 60% percent of my pain in 6 days. And less than 2 months I was 100% better. I feel no pain in my shins at all. When I train hard, my recovery after my heavy workouts are very quick, and I am ready to take on the rest of my day. By the way, I ran 3 FULL Marathon’s in less than 2 months, PAIN FREE!!! Thank you Omega-3’s.”
– Michael Epstein
“MOXXOR serves as the best combination along with other products to regulate my dogs, their joints, their hair, their thick fur. It’s a wonderful product.”
– Erasmia Spyros
“My husband has a heart arrhythmia. He has been taking Moxxor for several years. He started with only taking 1 pill per day and then started taking 2. This helped his arrhythmia so much and he very seldom had any more episodes. (he is on no medication for this problem). Well to try to save some money he recently went back to 1 pill a day a few weeks ago. And last night he woke up to another arrhythmia discomfort. So he is now going back on 2 pills a day. Moxxor works so well for him I am glad that we have this product for him. He recently was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Do you know if there is any adverse effects with the Moxxor and Parkinson’s? He is 67 years old. Thank you for any information you may have.”
– Jane and Philip Fallek
“Appreciate all you do to provide the excellent customer service to your Moxxor customers. You and your team are the best!”
– Susan Jones
“My friend Alain and his wife, are trying Moxxor now. They each take two a day and their boxer is also taking two a day. Seems a bit much for a dog but he’s really big. And their pug is taking one every other day. Once they see the results, they want to become customers. The boxer had an eye infection and just 10 days on Moxxor it’s now gone and skin itching is almost gone too!!”
– Ed Pickus
“MOXXOR has improved the inflammation greatly with my tendonitis and I feel much more energetic and overall improvement in health.”
– Ann Lombardo
“My 20yr old cat (Yes, I said 20) was diagnosed with asthma and had to give him 3 treatments a day with a breathing mask. For 4 years now since he started taking his MOXXOR he is completely off his breathing treatments and medication. The vets are amazed and I am a believer.”
– Ron McGee
“I have taken my MOXXOR two to three times daily for three years now and would never go one day without it. I had suffered with excruciating sciatic pain for a full year which was coming from chronic degenerative hip disease which I had been dealing with for years, but now with a compressed L-5 the sciatic pain, a burning annoying pain that wipes the smile off your face was making me miserable. And this was at a time in my life when I really wanted to be pain free. I had met the love of my life and we were making plans and arrangements for our wedding. I wanted to be a beautiful pain free bride. We both dance Argentine Tango and our wedding was to be tango themed. I wanted to be able to dance at my own wedding but with the kind of pain I was enduring even standing in my tango shoes which I planned to wear, was not looking possible. Miraculously I was introduced to MOXXOR when I also needed to be at my best. You see I have been among other things in my life, an actress and I even guest starred on Star Trek. I was making a personal appearance and could barely walk to the rest room let alone the stage or even sit for the long periods that was needed. A MOXXOR representative offered me a bottle of MOXXOR and suggested I try it on the spot. I did and took the bottle home with me to try a few more doses. I came back the next day and told the MOXXOR expert that my pain was completely gone. She suggested I stay at a particular number of capsules per day, but I was so impressed, having never experienced this type of result with even a drug before which I have never liked to take that I handed her my credit card and said sign me up. I want a pack, an autoship and I want to be a Representative. The world must know about this product and I am the right person to share globally how we can all Live Long and Prosper with MOXXOR! PS. My husband Nazim and I did dance the Argentine Tango at our wedding and I wore my best tango shoes!”
– Celeste Yarnall